- A Fine Balance Health CareProudly serving Airdrie for 20 years403-540-8878
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Back Pain
Acupuncture for pain management
A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine examined how acupuncture can be used to treat low back pain. The researchers looked at multiple trials to determine that acupuncture shows great promise in relieving chronic low back pain. The trials were inconclusive about acupuncture for acute low back pain. Since chronic low back pain is more common, it makes sense the majority of the trials scrutinized found more evidence to support acupuncture usage for this condition.
Pain affects everybody at some point in their lives. It may be either acute or chronic. But regardless of the type of pain, it can be debilitating. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly 100 million Americans have suffered from pain that lasts more than 24 hours and millions more suffer from acute pain. Chronic pain is the most common cause of long-term disability in the United States also, which ultimately affects not only the pain sufferer, but also those around him or her.
Many people go to see their regular doctor when they have pain. Many more go to the emergency room. But the treatments received don’t always provide relief. Everything from pain pills to surgery may be suggested to help pain sufferers. And because of over-prescription of pain medications, there is now an epidemic in the United States. Opioids, one class of prescription painkillers, has turned into a legitimate killer, causing more and more people to overdose and die. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it is estimated that nearly 2.1 million people in the U.S. are suffering from substance abuse disorders directly related to opioid pain relievers.
This is where acupuncture comes in. Acupuncture is part of a nearly 3,000 year old medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture uses hair-thin needles to stimulate specific pressure points on the body. By invigorating these points, the brain is triggered to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. The energy within the body is also moved and adjusted. According to TCM medical theory, when the energy is blocked or weak, then pain and illness can attack the body.
One of the advantages of utilizing acupuncture to treat pain is the acupuncturist doesn’t need to diagnose the cause of the pain before treating it. Since acupuncture has no real adverse side effects when performed by a qualified and professionally licensed practitioner, pain relief can begin the very first time a patient is treated.
The treatments are very customizable because this medicine is not a “one size fits all” type of solution. This means that as the pain shifts and changes, the patient will receive customized treatments that not only address the pain and inflammation, but they also work on resolving the root of the problem. Most patients who are dealing with pain also have added stress, insomnia and depression or anxiety. Acupuncture is great at treating all of these conditions. So the patient gets more than just pain relief.
Acupuncture is so effective at treating and relieving pain now showing up in hospitals and emergency rooms. In fact, Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota is now successfully using acupuncture in its emergency room to treat conditions ranging from car accident injuries to kidney stones. Their initial results show pain scores are just as low with acupuncture as they are with those given analgesic painkillers. Another positive action regarding the utilization of acupuncture came just recently. The Food and Drug Administration released proposed changes that plan to educate health care providers about treating pain. The new guidelines recommend doctors get information about acupuncture and suggest it to their patients before prescribing opioids.
With these kinds of recommendations and testimonials, it is hard to believe only about 10 percent of Americans have ever tried acupuncture. But that statistic is slowly changing as more and more people are seeking natural and alternative methods of dealing with pain and disease. Why not check it out for yourself? Contact me to find out more information.
Everyone deserves a massage
Ahhhh, there’s nothing like a good massage. This relatable sentiment goes back at least 4,000 years as humans of long ago recognized the benefits of touch and tissue manipulation. Evidence of massage as a healing practice in the ancient world can be found in India, Egypt and China.
The importance of human touch and connection may seem obvious, but we can look at some of the science behind it. Our skin is our largest organ and has been referred to as the ‘third brain’ (the gut being our ‘second brain’ ) because of the way that it is innervated with millions of sensory receptors that serve as our primary physical interface with the world. Sensory information from
the skin transmits info to the brain to affect our moods and physiology. Comfortable human touch has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing
us into a more relaxed state. This involves a shift that lowers stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline.
As stress hormone levels drop, other beneficial bio-chemicals
are released, such as oxytocin, the hormone responsible for trust and bonding. Serotonin and dopamine levels also go up. These are brain chemicals associated with vitality and well-being. A welcomed massage can offer positive adjustments in blood pressure, blood sugar, anxiety levels, sleep, and immunity. Besides these benefits of simply connecting through touch, there are also the therapeutic effects of actually manipulating the tissues.
A massage is arguably the best place to be in this world, but sometimes we need to rely on self-massage to hold us over. There is an acupressure point called Joining Valley (LI:4 ,He Gu) located between the base of the thumb and index finger that is easy to access and is a powerful point for moving all the qi in the body, making it great for many conditions.
Another easy but powerful self-care practice is ear massage. While gently rubbing and stretching our outer ear we are accessing a reflexology system as well as stimulating the vagus nerve, which can help with sleep, digestion, anxiety and pain.
For the simplest approach, there is always what TCM practitioners call ‘Yin touch’: just holding certain parts of the body (with love, of course) such as the belly, head, sore elbow, etc. We all have the healing power of touch whether we use it on ourselves or others.
If you’ve been relying on self- massage, it’s time to get in for a relaxing massage session, which may include some form of bodywork or massage chosen specifically for you
and and your health care needs.
The information contained within the AcuNews newsletter is only used to educate and inform. This newsletter is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed and registered health care provider. Seek prompt attention for emergencies. Consult a health care provider for specific health concerns, and before starting a diet, cleanse or exercise routine.
© Acupuncture Media Works/AcuDownloads • www.acupuncturemediaworks.com • 0722
A fine balance health care
2117 Summerfield Blvd SE Airdrie AB.
Acupuncture for Chronic Back Pain
A Harris Poll released earlier this year found that approximately three out of ten U.S. adults currently suffer from chronic low back pain. To put it another way, that’s an estimated 72.3 million people! Common treatments usually include prescription medications which bring their own complications and side effects into the picture. If you are looking for a drug-free alternative to your back pain, acupuncture could be the solution you have been searching for. continue reading